The World

January 17, 2015

For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.

– Thomas a’ Kempis –

January 14, 2014

You say to me; “Oh brother, we are ‘in the world’ [and not of it].” Sure you are, but you don’t have to pump it into your living room!! Garbage in, Garbage out !!!

– Paul Washer –

January 5, 2015

Any manipulation of the Scriptures to make them speak peace to the natural man is evil and can only lead to ruin.

– AW Tozer –

December 22, 2014

The Church did the most when the Church was the least like the world.

– G. Campbell Morgan –

December 18, 2014

A whole new generation of Christians has come up believing that it is possible to ‘accept’ Christ without forsaking the world.

– AW Tozer –

December 8, 2014

For unless your hearts are free from worldly hopes and worldly fears, you never will speak boldly, as you ought to speak. The good old Puritans, I believe, never preached better than when in danger of being taken to prison as soon as they had finished their sermon. And however the church may be at peace now, yet I am persuaded, unless you go forth with the same temper, you will never preach with the same demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

– George Whitefield –

December 7, 2014

The gospel is not suited, and cannot be made to suit, the corrupt dispositions and inclinations of the carnal mind.

– Robert Hall –

November 13, 2014

Does this world, then, really worship the devil? There are devil-worshippers in certain far-off lands—and we hold up our hands in horror and say, “What shockingly bad people!” Yet there are also many devil-worshippers in this land! The lover of pleasure—what is he better than a devil-worshipper? It is the devil in his best suit of clothes whom some people worship, but it is still the devil! Worship the devil with the golden hoofs, but it is the same devil all the while! If I were to be lost, it would make little difference to me whether I was lost in a gold mine, or in a coal mine. If I were to break my neck on a slab of gold, it would be no better for me than breaking it upon a slab of stone! So, if you are lost, you will find little comfort in the thought that you are lost in a more respectable way than others are!

– Charles Spurgeon –

November 11, 2014

You have to go into the world which is like a great leper colony; but if you carry Christ with you, you will never catch the world’s diseases. A man may be worth ever so much money, he will never get worldly if he keeps Christ on his heart. A man may have to tug and toil for his livelihood, and be very poor, he will never be discontented and murmuring if he lives close to Christ. O you who have to handle the world, see to it that you handle the Master more than the world! Some of you have to work with drunk and swearing men; others are cast into the midst of frivolities—O take my Master with you—and sin’s plagues can have no influence upon your moral nature!

– Charles Spurgeon –