
March 1, 2015

The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.

– Oswald Chambers –

February 10, 2015

It is not the greatness of our troubles as the littleness of our spirit, which makes us complain.

– Hudson Taylor –

December 20, 2014

I said to myself if Christianity is dead, I will sit at its tomb and will weep until it arises again, just as Mary Magdalene sat at the tomb of Jesus and wept until Jesus showed Himself. Then when I came out of prison I saw Christianity is not dead. The number of practicing Christians in Romania according to the figures given by the Communists themselves in 20 years of Communist dictatorship has grown 300 percent.

– Richard Wurmbrand –

December 3, 2014

I ask you who love Jesus—does religion ever make you unhappy? Does love to Jesus distress you and make you miserable? It may bring you into trouble, sometimes, and cause you to endure persecution for His name’s sake. If you are a child of God, you will have to suffer tribulation. But all the afflictions which you may be called upon to endure for Him will work for your good, and are not worthy to be compared with the glory which is to be revealed hereafter!

– Charles Spurgeon –

December 1, 2014

Some people seem to think that Christians are a very melancholy sort of folk, that they have no real happiness. I know something about religion and I will not admit that I stand second to any man in respect of being happy … I used to think that a religious man must never smile, but, on the contrary, I find that religion will make a man’s eyes bright, cover his face with smiles and impart comfort and consolation to his soul, even in the deepest of his earthly tribulations!

– Charles Spurgeon –

November 18, 2014

A sight of Christ, Brothers and Sisters, will keep you from despondency, and doubts, and despair. A sight of Christ! How shall I stir you to it? It will fire you to duty; it will deliver you from temptation; it will, in fact, make you like He. A man is known by his company; and if you have become acquainted with Christ, and know Him, you will be sure to reflect His light! It is because the moon has converse with the sun, that she has any light for this dark world’s night; and if you talk with Christ, the Sun, He will shine on you so gloriously, that you, like the moon, shall reflect His Light, and the dark night of this world shall be enlightened by your radiance. The Lord help us to know Him!

– Charles Spurgeon –

October 31, 2014

Prayer alone will overcome the gigantic difficulties which confront the workers in every field.

– John R. Mott –

October 23, 2014

Should all the forms that men devise
Assault my faith with treacherous art,
I’d call them vanity and lies
And bind the gospel to my heart.

– Isaac Watts –

October 22, 2014

God will not protect you from anything that will make you more like Jesus.

– Elizabeth Elliot –