
What is Faith – Oswald Chambers

“Above all, taking the shield of faith.” Faith is unbreakable confidence in the personality of God, not in His power. There are some things over which we may lose faith if we have confidence in God’s power only. There is so much that looks like the mighty power of God that is not.

We must have confidence in God over and above everything He may do, and stand in confidence that His character is unsullied. Faith stands all tests – “Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.” When we take the shield of faith, none of these things can get through without breaking the shield. We are protected by the covering shield.

Oswald Chambers
from his book If You Will Ask

Take Hold of God – Andrew Murray

Learn to believe in God, take hold of God, let God take possession of your life, and it will be easy to take hold of the promises. He who knows and trusts God will find it easy to trust the promises too.

– Andrew Murray –
from Teach Me To Pray

Let Us Trust God in the Dark – Ichabod Spencer

We are unable to penetrate God’s designs; and the things which seem to us most severe are often to be numbered among our most remarkable mercies. Let us take them submissively at his hand. If there is goodness anywhere, it is to be found in God. Let us trust him. Let us trust him in the dark.

– Ichabod Spencer –
from Practical Sermons

Gazing up During Persecution – John G. Paton

They encircled us in a deadly ring, and one kept urging another to strike the first blow or fire the first shot. My heart rose up to the Lord Jesus; I saw Him watching all the scene. My peace came back to me like a wave from God. I realized that I was immortal till my Master’s work with me was done. The assurance came to me, as if a voice out of Heaven had spoken, that not a musket would be fired to wound us, not a club prevail to strike us, not a spear leave the hand in which it was held vibrating to be thrown, not an arrow leave the bow, or a killing stone the fingers, without the permission of Jesus Christ, whose is all power in Heaven and on Earth. He rules all Nature, animate and inanimate, and restrains even the Savage of the South Seas. In that awful hour I saw His own words, as if carved in letters of fire upon the clouds of Heaven: “Seek, and ye shall find. Whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” I could understand how Stephen and John saw the glorified Savior as they gazed up through suffering and persecution to the Heavenly Throne!

– John G. Paton –

July 23, 2015

Christ will always accept the faith the puts its trust in Him.

– Andrew Murray –

June 11, 2015

God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him.

– Hudson Taylor –