
March 31, 2015

Faith does not question that God will provide, though it sees not which way provisions should come in. (‘Fides famem non formidat’) Faith does not fear famine.

– Thomas Watson –
from his book: The Lords Supper, 1665

March 8, 2015

The sight of any trouble strikes terror into the heart of those who do not have faith, but those who trust Him say, “Here comes my food!”

– Watchman Nee –

February 11, 2015

We have heard of many people who trusted God too little, but have you ever heard of anyone who trusted Him too much?

– Hudson Taylor –

December 17, 2014

Did all my beloved fellow disciples, who seek to work for God know the blessedness of looking truly to God alone, and trusting in Him alone, they would soon see how soul refreshing this way is, and how entirely beyond disappointment, so far as He is concerned.

– George Muller –

November 4, 2014

We believe a good deal of Doctrine which we have never yet realized. We know much to be food which we have never fed upon. Many Christians are like those who have sacks of flour in the house, but no bread. They have nothing available for present food. Some are like rich men that may happen to be abroad with thousands in gold, but no small silver, no spending money. May you be able to coin the bullion of precious promise so as to use it in the journey of life. May you make practical application of precious Truths of God, tasting the honey, drinking the wine and being satisfied with them.

– Charles Spurgeon –

September 17, 2014

Sometimes God brings us into the Red Sea just to show His power in getting us out.

– Anonymous –

September 13, 2014

No, it is so good to know that God never makes a mistake. Once we will understand that when we are in heaven, but now already we can know very much from the Word of God. This book shows us that God has no problems with the world and with your and my life. God has no problems, only plans. There is never panic in heaven. And the thing that you and I must do is look in the right direction. Look unto Jesus.

– Corrie ten Boom –

September 8, 2014

On that dear Cross my soul hangs all her confidence—not a rag anywhere else! … This is an essential mark of a Christian, that he sees Jesus with the simple faith that relies alone upon Him. Dear Hearer, do you in this respect see Jesus? If so, rest assured that where He is in His Glory, you shall shortly be! There is life in that look! There is more than life present—there is life eternal in a look at Him!

– Charles Spurgeon –

July 8, 2014

If my life is surrendered to God, all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine!

– Elisabeth Elliot –