You find no difficulty in trusting the Lord with the management of the universe and all the outward creation, and can your case be any more difficult than these, that you need to be anxious about His management of it?
– Hannah Whitall Smith –
You find no difficulty in trusting the Lord with the management of the universe and all the outward creation, and can your case be any more difficult than these, that you need to be anxious about His management of it?
– Hannah Whitall Smith –
If the Bible were not true the sooner we found it out and threw it aside the better … but if it is true, the sooner we live up to it and act up to it the better. If any of you were offered a bank of England note, whether for five pounds or five thousand pounds, you would never doubt the value of it, you would take the words printed on it as sure. And are not the words printed in this book [the Bible] as sure?
– Hudson Taylor –