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Our Prayers Often Resemble Children – W. Williams

Our prayers often resemble the mischievous tricks of town children, who knock at their neighbor’s houses and then run away; we often knock at heaven’s door and then run off into the spirit of the world. Instead of waiting for entrance to be granted, we act as if we were afraid of having our prayers answered.

– W. Williams –

To Serve God – Oswald Chambers

God gets me into a relationship with Himself whereby I understand His call, then I do things out of sheer love for Him on my own account. To serve God is the deliberate love-gift of a nature that has heard the call of God

– Oswald Chambers –

What Parents Should Teach Their Children – John Wesley

Ye that are truly kind parents, in the morning, in the evening, and all the day beside, press upon all your children, “to walk in love, as Christ also loved us, and gave himself for us;” to mind that one point, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him.”

 – John Wesley –

Wonderful Success Of Victory – John Owen

Now, though doubtless there may be attained, by the Spirit and grace of Christ, a wonderful success and eminency of victory against any sin, so that a man may have almost constant triumph over it; yet an utter killing and destruction of it, that it should not be, is not in this life to be expected

– John Owen –

from The Mortification of Sin,1656

Satan Hearing the Ninety First Psalm – Amy Carmichael

When Satan heard the ninety-first Psalm, did the fourth verse baffle him? “With His feathers He shall create a fence for thee.” So covered, and so fenced, what can Satan’s malice accomplish against us? Nothing, nothing at all.

– Amy Carmichael –

December 29, 2013

The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ. What he is or is not no longer concerns him. He believes that he has been crucified with Christ and he is not willing either to praise or deprecate such a man.

Yet the knowledge that he has been crucified is only half the victory. “Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Christ is now where the man’s ego was formerly. The man is now Christ-centered instead of self-centered, and he forgets himself in his delighted preoccupation with Christ.

– AW Tozer –
From Man – The Dwelling Place of God, ch. 18, “Boasting or Belittling”

December 28, 2013

Another habit not quite so odious is belittling ourselves. This might seem to be the exact opposite of boasting, but actually it is the same old sin traveling under a nom de plume. It is simply egoism trying to act spiritual. It is impatient Saul hastily offering an unacceptable sacrifice to the Lord.

Self-derogation is bad for the reason that self must be there to derogate. Self, whether swaggering or groveling, can never be anything but hateful to God.

Boasting is an evidence that we are pleased with self; belittling, that we are disappointed in it. Either way we reveal that we have a high opinion of ourselves. The belittler is chagrined that one as obviously superior as he should not have done better, and he punishes himself by making uncomplimentary remarks about himself. That he does not really mean what he says may be proved quite easily. Let someone else say the same things. His eager defense of himself will reveal how he feels and has secretly felt all the time.

– AW Tozer –
From Man – The Dwelling Place of God, ch. 18, “Boasting or Belittling”