
Our Need for Jesus Everyday – Robert Murray McCheyne

You need the blood of Jesus as much now as at first. You never can stand before God in yourself. You must go again and again to be washed. Even on your dying bed, you must hide under Jehovah, our righteousness. You must also lean on Jesus. He alone can overcome the sin in you. Draw nearer and nearer to Him every day.

– Robert Murray McCheyne –
from The Best of Robert Murray McCheyne

Guard Against Flattery – JC Ryle

It becomes all professing Christians to be much on their guard against flattery. We mistake greatly if we suppose that persecution and hard usage are the only weapons in Satan’s armory. That crafty foe has other engines for doing us mischief, which he knows well who to work. He knows how to poison souls by the world’s seductive kindness, when he cannot frighten them by the fiery dart and the sword. Let us not be ignorant of his devices. By peace he destroys many.

– JC Ryle –
from Expository Thoughts on the Gospels, 1856

True Work Lies in Perseverance – Charles Spurgeon

In commencing any Christian work, novelty greatly assists enthusiasm, and it is very natural that under first impulses the beginner should achieve an easy success. The difficulty of the Christian is very seldom the commencement of the work; the true labor lies in the perseverance which alone can win the victory.

– Charles Spurgeon –
taken from Council for Christian Workers

How to Live Victoriously – Samuel Logan Brengle

Sin does not leap upon us fully armed. It steals in through a look, a swift, silent suggestion or imagination, but love and loyalty to Jesus will make you watchful and swift to rise up and cast out the subtle enemy. Do this and you shall live, and live victoriously.

– Samuel Logan Brengle –

Give Me 100 Preachers – John Wesley

Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.

– John Wesley –

August 3, 2015

Remember that Christ Himself is better than any of His blessings; better than the power, or the victory, or the service that He grants. … He is God’s best: we may have Christ; yielding to Him in such completeness and abandonment of self that it is no longer we that live, but Christ that liveth in us. Will you thus take Him?

– Charles G. Trumbull –
from Victory in Christ

May 10, 2015

A true revival means nothing less than a revolution, casting out the spirit of worldliness and selfishness, and making God and His love triumph in the heart and life.

– Andrew Murray –

April 12, 2015

You must GO forward on your knees.

– J. Hudson Taylor –

March 14, 2015

The lions’ den was nothing to [Daniel]. He had rather be with God in the lions’ den than out of it without God.

– DL Moody –