
July 7, 2014

The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.

– William Booth –

July 5, 2014

We rest on Thee, our Shield and our Defender!
We go not forth alone against the foe;
Strong in Thy strength, safe in Thy keeping tender,
We rest on Thee, and in Thy Name we go.

– Edith G. Cherry –

Jim Elliot and his four missionary co-laborers sang this song before entering the Ecuadorian jungles to be killed by the Waorani Indians.

March 1, 2014

The Lord is our inexhaustible treasure.

– Pandita Ramabai –

February 11, 2014

Do not wait until you enter into temptation to ask for the help of Jesus. But let your life beforehand always be through Jesus. Let His nearness be your one desire. Jesus saves from sin, and to have Jesus is salvation from sin. Oh, that we could rightly understand this! The saving from sin is not an occasional event … When Jesus fills me, when Jesus is all for me, sin has no hold on me.

– Andrew Murray –

February 6, 2014

There are only two kinds of persons: those dead in sin and those dead to sin.

– Leonard Ravenhill –

January 22, 2014

Christ is our Deliverer. The children of Israel were not only saved and redeemed from the bondage of the Egyptians, but they were also delivered, that they should not be led back again into bondage. Many are afraid; they think they are not able to hold on, and therefore shrink from making a profession. But Christ is able to keep you from falling; He is able to deliver you in the dark hour of trial and temptation, from every evil device of Satan, and from the snare of the fowler.

– DL Moody –

January 21, 2014

Listen, this isn’t just a story; this isn’t just a parable. Men and women, I’m talking about you. Some of you men and women have been converted ten, twenty, thirty, some of you may even have been preachers for fifty years, and you’ve never yet discovered the principle of life that was buried within you in the day that you were spiritually regenerate. It’s possible for you and for me in our pigheaded self-esteem, in our very sincerity and zeal in serving God to endungeon and to imprison the Son of God within our souls, and we become the dried up, withered, useless things we are, on the shelf, remaining living. We’ll get to heaven, for the life has been imparted by the divine Spirit – but we are quenching and frustrating and grieving the Spirit of God, busy being ourselves when the one thing that the Father wants is the opportunity for His Son to be Himself.

– Ian Thomas –

January 5, 2014

My life is lived now both externally and internally different from what I knew when the old man was in the saddle. Bless the Lord for this . . .

– Jim Elliot –

December 31, 2013

Where we have failed is in the practical application of the teaching concerning the crucified life. Too many have been content to be armchair Christians, satisfied with the theology of the cross. Plainly Christ never intended that we should rest in a mere theory of self-denial. His teaching identified His disciples with Himself so intimately that they would have had to be extremely dull not to have understood that they were expected to experience very much the same pain and loss as He Himself did.

The healthy soul is the victorious soul and victory never comes while self is permitted to remain unjudged and uncrucified. While we boast or belittle we may be perfectly sure that the cross has not yet done its work within us. Faith and obedience will bring the cross into the life and cure both habits.

– AW Tozer –
From Man – The Dwelling Place of God, ch. 18, “Boasting or Belittling”