
Need Time Alone With God – Austen Phelps

It has been said, that no great work in literature or in science was ever wrought by a man who did not love solitude. We may lay it down as an elemental principle of religion, that no large growth in holiness was ever gained, by one who did not take time to be often, and long, alone with God.

– Austen Phelps –
from The Still Hour: Communion with God in Prayer, 1859

Tempting Sin – Thomas Brooks

To venture upon the occasion of sin, and then to pray, “Lead us not into temptation,” is the same as to thrust thy finger into the fire, and then pray that it may not be burnt.
– Thomas Brooks –

Every Renunciation Led to Glory – Elisabeth Elliot

After the Crucifixion came the Resurrection. After the Resurrection the Ascension. Because Jesus wore a crown of thorns, He now wears a crown of glory. Because He came poor, He now sits enthroned. Because He made Himself of no reputation, He now has a name which is above every name. Because He was willing to become a slave, He is now Master of everything. Because He was obedient to death, He is Lord of Life and holds the keys of hell and death. Because He made Himself of no reputation, every knee will someday bow before Him. Every renunciation led to glory.

– Elisabeth Elliot –
from The Path of Loneliness

To Understand God You Must Resemble Him – DL Moody

Those who resemble God are the most likely to understand God. If a man is not willing to turn from sin, he will not know God’s will. God will not reveal His secrets to him. But, if a man is willing to turn from sin, he will be surprised to see how the light will come in!

– DL Moody –
from The Way to God

Sin is the Hardest of All Masters – JC Ryle

Sin is, in truth, the hardest of all masters. In its service there is plenty of fair promises, but an utter dearth of performance. Its pleasures are but for a season. Its wages are sorrow, remorse, self-accusation, and too often death. They that sow to the flesh, do indeed reap corruption.

– JC Ryle –
from Expository Thoughts on the Gospels [Matt 27:1-10], 1856