Quote Collection

Love that leads the way – Amy Carmichael

Love that leads the way – Amy Carmichael

Give me the love that leads the way
The faith that nothing can dismay
The hope no disappointments tire
The passion that will burn like fire
Let me not sink to be a clod
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God!” 

– Amy Carmichael –

The highest gift of God – John Wesley

The highest gift of God – John Wesley

Love is the highest gift of God; humble, gentle, patient love; that all visions, revelations, or manifestations whatever, are little things compared to love; and that all other gifts . . . are either the same with or infinitely inferior to love. Therefore, you should be thoroughly aware of this – the heaven of heavens is love. There is nothing higher in religion; there is, in effect, nothing else; if you look for anything but more love, you are looking wide of the mark, you are getting out of the royal way. And when you are asking others, “Have you received this or that blessing?” if you mean anything but more love, you mean wrong; you are leading them out of the way, and putting them on a false scent. Settle it then in your heart, that from the moment God has saved you from all sin, you are to aim at nothing more but more of that love describe in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians. You can go no higher than this, till you are carried into Abraham’s bosom.

– John Wesley –

What God blesses – Bill Hull

What God blesses – Bill Hull

 God has not promised to bless our good motives, dreams and innovation. He has promised to bless His plan, that plan is that disciples make other disciples—everything else is a sideshow.

– Bill Hull –

Called unto holiness – John Calvin

Called unto holiness – John Calvin

The whole lives of Christians ought to be a kind of aspiration after piety, seeing they are called unto holiness.

– John Calvin –