Oswald Chambers

April 18, 2015

If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving our fellow men. … When we realize that Jesus Christ has served us to the end of our meanness, our selfishness, and sin, nothing that we meet with from others can exhaust our determination to serve men for His sake.

– Oswald Chambers –

April 17, 2015

Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to him as a love gift. … Offer the blessing back to him in a deliberate act of worship. If you hoard a thing for yourself, it will turn into spiritual dry rot, as the manna did when it was hoarded. God will never let you hold a spiritual thing for yourself; it has to be given back to him that he may make it a blessing to others.

– Oswald Chambers –

April 10, 2015

Our Lord’s first obedience was to the will of His Father, not to the needs of men: his obedience brought the outcome of the saving of men. If I am devoted to the cause of humanity only, I will soon be exhausted and come to the place where my love will falter; but if I love Jesus Christ personally and passionately, I can serve humanity though men treat me as a doormat.

– Oswald Chambers –

March 1, 2015

The great thing about faith in God is that it keeps a man undisturbed in the midst of disturbance.

– Oswald Chambers –

February 21, 2015

When we pray relying on the Holy Spirit, He will always bring us back to this one point: we are not heard because we are in earnest, or because we need to be heard, or because we will perish if not heard; we are heard only on the ground of the Atonement of the Lord. (Hebrews 10:19)

– Oswald Chambers –
from If You Will Ask

October 8, 2014

Get into the habit of saying, “Speak, Lord,” and life will become a romance.

– Oswald Chambers –

August 13, 2014

It takes me a long while to realize that God has no respect for anything I bring Him. All He wants from me is unconditional surrender.

– Oswald Chambers –

July 18, 2014

If we are devoted to the cause of humanity, we shall soon be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with more ingratitude from men than we would from a dog; but if our motive is love to God, no ingratitude can hinder us from serving our fellow men.

– Oswald Chambers –

June 17, 2014

If the Spirit of God detects anything in you that is wrong, He does not ask you to put it right; He asks you to accept the light, and He will put it right.  A child of the light confesses instantly and stands bared before God; a child of darkness says — “Oh, I can explain that away.”

– Oswald Chambers –