Nathan Johnson

March 19, 2012

Revival will call for much love and humility, because it may please God to use one man more extensively than another. The fleece of one denomination may appear to be wet with the dews of heaven while another is only damp with it. In some cases God may use the least gifted of men – at least some would so judge them – and in the least likely of churches find a channel for His grace. May God preserve us from a spirit which would prefer to see no revival at all if it did not come in our form, after our pattern, and through our instrumentality.

– John T. Carson –

March 16, 2012

Just as it is impossible to be both a plant and a seed, so it is impossible for us to be surrounded by worldly honor and at the same time bear heavenly fruit.

– Amma Syncletica of Egypt –
380-460 AD

March 10, 2012

Reputation is what other people think of us. Character is what God knows of us.

– Thomas Paine –

March 8, 2012

I don’t want to give the Lord any rest in my prayer life.

– Eli Marvin –
Ellerslie Student

February 18, 2012

Revival and change are almost synonymous terms and both clearly cut across traditionalism. There is no way true revival can occur without major changes disrupting and reordering the life of the Church. . . . God is no traditionalist. While God is orderly, He is always fresh and vital. If a church can run according to forms and traditions of men, it will run without the presence and power of God . . . . Is it any wonder the love of tradition is an enemy to revival? Revival and new life go hand in hand . . . . Let every church realize that the inordinate love of tradition is a great opponent to revival . . . . When a church slays the love of tradition, a major obstacle to revival will be slain With it.

– Richard Owen Roberts –

February 15, 2012

Our power in drawing others after the Lord mainly rests in our joy and communion with Him ourselves.

– J. G. Bellett  –

January 20, 2012

I would rather train twenty men to pray, than a thousand to preach – A minister’s highest mission ought to be to teach his people to pray.

– H. MacGregor –

January 19, 2012

No system of doctrine, preaching and worship which fails to develop prayer, faith, spiritual labor, and success in converting souls from sin, can long have the face to claim to be the religion of Jesus Christ!

– William W. Patton –

January 14, 2012

He can do all things who prays well. All soul-winners have conquered on their knees. Wherever the secret of prevailing prayer is found, something supernatural will come to pass.

– G. F. Oliver –