Nathan Johnson

September 27, 2014

I have been a Christian for over fifty years, but I have never heard God’s voice so clearly as in these days. When the world is at peace, not very many people diligently seek God. Only at such times as these of persecution and disorder by the hands of Satan do believers awaken in the faith.
– Elder Park –
from “If I Perish” by Esther Ahn Kim

September 22, 2014

Jesus gave His life to love me, and despite what it costs me, I can think of no greater calling than to love someone else in the same way that Jesus loved me.

– Mary Morgan –

August 27, 2014

You cannot compensate by sacrifice what you lose through disobedience.

– Ed Cole –

August 26, 2014

Peace is the umpire for knowing the will of God.

– Ed Cole –

August 24, 2014

When a prophet is accepted and deified, his message is lost. The prophet is only useful so long as he is stoned as a public nuisance calling us to repentance, disturbing our comfortable routines, breaking our respectable idols, shattering our sacred conventions.

– AG Gardiner –

August 21, 2014

There are some rare Christians who seem born for thoughtfulness. … This is the highest and holiest ministry of love. It is not softness nor weakness; it is strength – but strength enriched by divine gentleness.

– JR Miller –

August 16, 2014

The supreme and crying need of this lost world is the Gospel. Shall we not rise at Christ’s command to carry the blessed saving news to every perishing one?

– Dr. Robert Jaffray –

August 15, 2014

Jesus doesn’t just prepare us today for tomorrow – He prepared us yesterday for today.
– Shalea Nellis –

August 4, 2014

Rivers to the ocean run,
Nor stay in all their course;
Fire ascending seeks the sun,
Both speed them to their source:
So a soul that’s born of God,
Pants to view his glorious face;
Upward tends to his abode,
To rest in his embrace.

– Robert Seagraves –