Sharing the Gospel – Vance Havner
First Thing to Focus on in Sharing the Gospel – Martin Luther
Put Fire in Sermons or Sermons in Fire – Vance Havner
Some preachers ought to put more fire into their sermons or more
sermons into the fire.
– Vance Havner –
Be Bold in Talking About the Things of God – Mildred Cable
If we go about apologizing for speaking to people of the things of God, we must not be very much surprised if they catch our timidity and they feel awkward and we feel awkward. There is a certain shyness and awkwardness about us when we go to tell men and women of the things of eternal life, which react upon them until they become nervous and awkward too.
– Mildred Cable –
Satan Has Little Need to Fear Most Preaching – A. Reavis
Despite the atrociousness of it, Satan really does have “little cause to fear most preaching.” Most preaching in the modern church is completely devoid of unction. Pastors are too busy playing golf or racquetball to bother spending time on their knees. No wonder some pastors I’ve heard can more readily quote Dr. Laura then bible passages pertaining to prayer. It’s disastrous. Satan need not fear under those conditions.
– A. Reavis –
Don’t Preach Repentance Until You’ve Pledged Your Head – Joseph Parker
The man whose little sermon is “repent” sets himself against his age, and will for the time being be battered mercilessly by the age whose moral tone he challenges. There is but one end for such a man – “off with his head!” You had better not try to preach repentance until you have pledged your head to heaven.
– Joseph Parker –
Christians Are Cowards – Charles Finney
If Christians were not such cowards, and absolutely disobedient to this plain command of God… one thing would certainly come of it — either they would be murdered in the streets as martyrs, because men could not bear the intolerable presence of truth, or they would be speedily converted to God.
– Charles Finney –
Dead Men Preaching – Gilbert Tennent
For I am verily persuaded the generality of preachers talk of an unknown and unfelt Christ; and the reason why congregations have been so dead is, because they have had dead men preaching to them.
– Gilbert Tennent –