
November 6, 2011

In our abandonment we give ourselves over to God just as God gave Himself for us, without any calculation. The consequences of abandonment never enter into our outlook because our life is taken up with Him.

– Oswald Chambers –
from My Utmost for His Highest

November 5, 2011

The reason some of us are such poor specimens of Christianity is because we have no Almighty Christ. We have Christian attributes and experiences, but there is no abandonment to Jesus Christ.

– Oswald Chambers –
from My Utmost for His Highest

November 4, 2011

The preoccupations of seventeen-year-old girls – their looks, their clothes, their social life – don’t change much from generation to generation. But, in every generation there seem to be a few who make other choices. Amy Carmichael was one of the few.

– Elisabeth Elliot –
from A Chance to Die (biography about Amy Carmichael), 31

November 3, 2011

Tell God you are ready to be offered, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be.

– Oswald Chambers –
from My Utmost for His Highest

November 1, 2011

We never test the resources of God until we attempt the IMPOSSIBLE.

– F. B. Meyer –

October 21, 2011

The popular notion that the first obligation of the church is to spread the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth is false. Her first obligation is to be spiritually worthy to spread it. Our Lord said “Go ye,” but He also said, “Tarry ye,” and the tarrying had to come before the going. Had the disciples gone forth as missionaries before the day of Pentecost it would have been an overwhelming spiritual disaster, for they could have done no more than make converts after their likeness, and this would have altered for the worse the whole history of the Western world and had consequences throughout the
ages to come.

– AW Tozer –
from Of God and Men, 35-37.

October 17, 2011

God is not dead. The gospel has lost none of its power. It is we Christians who have lost OUR power with God. God is able right now to give us the same times of blessing that He gave this church one hundred years ago—even greater! Are you willing to let God search your hearts to see that there are no sins which grieve God and keep back the blessing?”

From a sermon of the father of William Chalmers Burns preached at the gravesite of James Robe, whose pastoral efforts brought a great revival in Kilsyth Scotland in 1742

October 5, 2011

My entire energy must be spent on seeking Him; there must be no other concentration.

– Stephen Manley –

September 4, 2011

We are not only to renounce evil, but to manifest the truth. We tell people the world is vain; let our lives manifest that it is so. We tell them that our home is above and that all these things are transitory. Does our dwelling look like it? O to live consistent lives!

– Hudson Taylor –