
You are not called to be comfortable – Francis Chan

You are not called to be comfortable – Francis Chan

God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.

– Francis Chan –

Faith and Reason – AW Tozer

Faith and Reason – AW Tozer

Let faith support us where reason fails, and we shall think because we believe, not in order that we may believe.

– AW Tozer –

Prayer is a Sacrificial Offering – EM Bounds

Prayer is a Sacrificial Offering – EM Bounds

Prayer in its highest form of faith is that prayer which carries the whole man as a sacrificial offering. Thus devoting the whole man himself to his all, to God in a definite, intelligent vow, never to be broken, in a quenchless and in passioned desire for heaven.

– EM Bounds –

Actually Living the Christian Life – JC Ryle

Actually Living the Christian Life – JC Ryle

The person who hears Christian teaching, and practices what they hear, is like a “wise man who built his house on a rock.” They do not content themselves with listening to exhortations to repent, believe in Christ, and live a holy life. They actually repent. They actually believe. They actually cease to do evil, learn to do well, abhor that which is sinful, and cleave to that which is good. They are a doer as well as a hearer.

– JC Ryle –