
Teach The Old-Fashioned Gospel – Catherine Booth

We teach the old-fashioned Gospel of repentance, faith, and holiness, not daring to separate what God has joined together…We teach that a man cannot be right with God while he is doing wrong to men – in short, that holiness means being saved from sin …and filled with love to God and man.

– Catherine Booth –

Perfect love – Henry Scougal

Perfect love is a kind of self-dereliction, a wandering out of ourselves; it is a kind of voluntary death, wherein the lover dies to himself, and all his own interest, not thinking of them, nor caring for them anymore, and minding nothing but how he may please and gratify the party whom he loves

– Henry Scougal –

The Man God Needs – EM Bounds

It is not great talents nor great learning nor great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God – men always preaching by holy sermons in the pulpit, by holy lives out of it. These can mold a generation for God.
– EM Bounds –

What The Law Is To Do – Charles Spurgeon

The law is meant to lead the sinner to faith in Christ, by showing the impossibility of any other way. It is the black dog to fetch the sheep to the shepherd, the burning heat which drives the traveler to the shadow of the great rock in a weary land.

– Charles Spurgeon –
From Christ’s Glorious Achievements

The Debt of Love – Hugh Binning

If I be convinced that there is any equity and beauty in that command which charges others to love me, forgive me, forbear with me, and restore me in meekness, why, then, should it be a grievous command that I should pay that debt of love and tenderness to others?

– Hugh Binning –
from Christian Love, 38

Have You Found Our King? – George MacDonald

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Brother, sister, have you found our King? There He is, kissing little children and drawing them to Himself with utmost affection. There He is at a table with the head of a fisherman lying on His bosom, and somewhat heavy at heart that even he, the beloved disciple, cannot yet understand Him well. The mothers and fathers who show the greatest care, compassion, and sympathy for their children are but an earthly representative of our all-loving God.

– George MacDonald –
from The Best of George Macdonald

Take Hold of God – Andrew Murray

Learn to believe in God, take hold of God, let God take possession of your life, and it will be easy to take hold of the promises. He who knows and trusts God will find it easy to trust the promises too.

– Andrew Murray –
from Teach Me To Pray