God’s Nature

July 1, 2014

Perfect love is a kind of self-dereliction, a wandering out of ourselves; it is a kind of voluntary death, wherein the lover dies to himself, and all his own interest, not thinking of them, nor caring for them anymore, and minding nothing but how he may please and gratify the party whom he loves.

– Henry Scougal –

June 30, 2014

He [the Father] could not be more pleased with Him [Christ] than He is and there could not be anything in Christ that would be more pleasing to the Father than what there already is in Christ. … What the great Father’s mind is, none of us can know, for the finite cannot measure the Infinite. We have no standard that can apply to Him, but we are sure that it must need an Infinite Objective of delight to satisfy the Infinite mind of the Father—and Christ fully satisfies it.

– Charles Spurgeon –

June 27, 2014

[Jesus was] the gathering up of all the loveliness of which only the Infinite mind of God could conceive.

– Charles Spurgeon –

April 28, 2014

I am ready to meet God face to face tonight and look into those eyes of infinite holiness, for all my sins are covered by the atoning blood.

– RA Torrey –

April 20, 2014

Christ, the joy of heaven’s courts, set aside His glory, and in coming to this earth took unto Himself the attitude, situation and meek disposition of a servant.

– Ben Zornes –

April 18, 2014

And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I am loved.

– The Apostle Paul –
2 Corinthians 12:15

March 31, 2014

To be “in the will of God” is not a matter of intellectual discernment, but a state of heart.

– Oswald Chambers –

March 15, 2014

God is my everlasting King;
God is my Strength, and I will sing;
His power upholds my feeble frame;
And I’m victorious through his name.

Devils retreat when he appears;
Then I arise above my fears;
And every fiery dart repel;
And vanquish all the force of hell.

Through the Redeemer’s precious blood;
I feel the mighty power of God;
Through the rich aid divinely given;
I rise from earth, and soar to heaven.

[Dear Lord, thy weaker saints inspire,
And fill them with celestial fire;
On thy kind arm may they rely,
And all their foes shall surely fly.]

Now, Lord, thy wondrous power exert,
And every ransomed soul support;
Give us fresh strength to wing our way
To regions of eternal day.

[There may we praise the great I AM,
And shout the victories of the Lamb;
Raise every chorus to his blood,
And triumph in the power of God.]

– R. Burnham –