Needy Orphan Widow Destitute

Thinking of the Next World – CS Lewis

If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this [one].”

– CS Lewis –

Let Us Remember … – Athanasius

Let us remember the poor, and not forget kindness to strangers; above all, let us love God with all our soul, and might, and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves.

– Athanasius –
(296-373 AD)

August 16, 2014

The supreme and crying need of this lost world is the Gospel. Shall we not rise at Christ’s command to carry the blessed saving news to every perishing one?

– Dr. Robert Jaffray –

June 15, 2014

We give ourselves to prayer. We preach a Gospel that saves to the uttermost, and witness to its power. We do not argue about worldliness; we witness. We do not discuss philosophy; we preach the Gospel. We do not speculate about the destiny of sinners; we pluck them as brands from the burning. We ask no man’s patronage. We beg no man’s money. We fear no man’s frown … Let no man join us who is afraid, and we want none but those who are saved, sanctified and aflame with the fire of the Holy Ghost.

– Samuel Chadwick –

June 6, 2014

My business is with all my might to serve my own generation. In doing so I shall best serve the next generation, should the Lord tarry … I have but one life to live on earth and this one life is but a brief life for sowing in comparison with eternity for reaping.

– George Müller –

June 5, 2014

Your days at the most cannot be very long, so use them to the best of your ability for the glory of God and the benefit of your generation.

– William Booth –

June 4, 2014

You are not here in the world for yourself. You have been sent here for others. The world is waiting for you!

– Catherine Booth –

March 4, 2014

A heart ready to melt at the sight of human suffering and need is necessary to successful soul-winning … Where there is no real soul-burden for sinners, there will be no revival. The early Church travailed in pain for the souls of dying men.

– JW Mahood –

February 20, 2014

Yes, there lies before us a beautiful possible life – one that shall have a passion for giving: that shall be poured forth to God – spent out for man: that shall be consecrated for the hardest work and the darkest sinners.

– Lillias Trotter –