Hell is larger today than it was yesterday, because many of us have failed to pray.
– David Smithers –
Hell is larger today than it was yesterday, because many of us have failed to pray.
– David Smithers –
The coming revival must begin with a great revival of prayer. It is in the closet, with the door shut, that the sound of abundance of rain will first be heard.
– Andrew Murray –
It is easier to speak about revival than to set about it.
– Horatius Bonar –
I can get more out of God by believing Him for one minute than by shouting at Him all night.
– Smith Wigglesworth –
A revival of real praying would produce a spiritual revolution.
– EM Bounds –
Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you yourself shall be a miracle.
– Phillips Brooks –
Are not our prayers so often ineffective and powerless – and sometimes even prayerless – becuase we rush unthinkingly and unpreparedly into God’s presence, without realizing the majesty and glory of the God whom we are approaching … We must “think
magnificently of God.”
– Anonymous –
Satan trembles when he sees the weakest Christian on his knees.
– William Cowper –
So, Beloved, the Holy Spirit is with us and when we take His Book and begin to read and want to know what it means, we must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning. He will not work a miracle, but He will elevate our minds and He will suggest to us thoughts which will lead us on, by their natural relation, the one to the other, till at last we come to the pith and marrow of His Divine Instruction. Seek, then, very earnestly the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for if the very soul of reading is the understanding of what we read, then we must, in prayer, call upon the Holy Spirit to unlock the secret mysteries of the Inspired Word.
– Charles Spurgeon –