
If Missions Languish – Arthur T. Pierson

If missions languish, it is because the whole life of godliness is feeble. The command to go everywhere and preach to everybody is un-obeyed, until the will is lost by self-surrender in the will of God. There is little right giving because there is little right living, and because of the lack of sympathetic contact with God in holiness of heart, there is a lack of effectual contact with him at the Throne of Grace. Living, praying, giving and going will always be found together, and a low standard in one means a general debility in the whole spiritual being.

– Arthur T. Pierson –

How to Suffer Well – Charles Spurgeon

Suffering saints are living seed. Oh, that God might help us to such faith, that when we come to suffer in life, or to expire in death, we may so glorify God that others may believe in him! May we preach sermons by our faith which shall be better than sermons in words.

– Charles Spurgeon –
from his sermon The Trial Of Your Faith – December, 1888

Never Water Down the Gospel – Oswald Chambers

Never water down or minimize the mighty Gospel of God by considering that people may be misled by certain statements. Present the Gospel in all its fullness and God will guard His own truth.

– Oswald Chambers –

There was Lightening in His Faith – Charles Spurgeon

Nobody doubted that Martin Luther believed what he spoke. He spoke with thunder, for there was lightning in his faith. The man preached all over, for his entire nature believed. You felt, “Well, he may be mad, or he may be altogether mistaken, but he assuredly believes what he says. He is the incarnation of faith; his heart is running over at his lips.”

– Charles Spurgeon –
from Lectures To My Students

We Must Not Cease to Declare the Law – Charles H Spurgeon

No man will ever put on the robe of righteousness till he is stripped of his fig leaves, nor will he wash in the fount of mercy till he perceives his filthiness. Therefore, my brethren, we must not cease to declare the law, its demands, its threatening, and the sinner’s multiple breachers of it.

– Charles H Spurgeon –

Unless We Pierce a Way – Robbie Flockheart

It is of no use trying to sew with the silken thread of the gospel unless we pierce a way for it with the sharp, needle of the law.

– Robbie Flockheart –
Charles H Spurgeon Sermon Conversion as Our Aim