The Cross

Jesus is the Key, the Mediator, and the Intercessor – Mendell Taylor

The most uncontrollable and unchanging thing on earth is the base element in human nature. Though advancement may be made in science, medicine, and standards of living, still the sinfulness of man remains the same through the centuries. The list of sins in Noah’s day, in Jesus’ day, and today are identical. However, there is a universal remedy for the problem. All can be saved to the uttermost, including those from the uttermost (the down-and-out) to the uppermost (the up-and-out)…Christ is the answer, and the only answer, to the problems of guilt and sin. He is the Door and the only Door that provides entrance to eternal life. He is the Key, and the only Key that unlocks an imprisoned world. He is the Mediator, and the only Mediator who can reconcile sinners unto God. He is the Intercessor, and the only Intercessor who can get a verdict of acquittal for the vilest transgressor.

– Mendell Taylor –

Our Knowledge and Faith – Richard Baxter

What is our knowledge and faith, but to know and believe that heaven consists in the glory and love of God there manifested, and that it was purchased by his covenant?

– Richard Baxter –
from Dying Thoughts, 1683

Christ Counted the Sin and Sinner – John Bunyan

He did not only die, but died such a death, as indeed cannot be expressed. He was content to be counted the sinner: yea, to be counted the sin of the sinner, nor could this but be odious to so holy a Lamb as he was, yet willing to be this and thus for that love that he bare to men.

– John Bunyan –
from All Loves Excelling, 1692

The Memory of Christ’s Suffering – Thomas Watson

If the manna was to be kept in the ark, that the memory of it should be preserved, how should the death and suffering of Christ be kept in our minds as a memorial?

– Thomas Watson –
from The Lords Supper, 1665

Self-Love is Self-Hatred – Thomas Watson

Exercise great self-denial: “Let him deny himself” (Matthew 16:24). Self-ease, self-ends, whatever comes in competition with (or stand in opposition to) Christ’s glory and interest must be denied. Self is the great snare; self-love undermines the power of godliness. The young man in the Gospel might have followed Christ, but something of self-hindered (Matthew 19:20-22). Self-love is self-hatred. The man who cannot get beyond himself will never get to heaven.

– Thomas Watson –
from The Godly Man’s Picture, 1666