The Cross

May 15, 2013

Denying ourselves and taking up our cross isn’t a little side issue — it is absolutely necessary to becoming or continuing to become a disciple of Jesus.

– John Wesley –

May 12, 2013

The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ. What he is or is not no longer concerns him. He believes that he has been crucified with Christ and he is not willing either to praise or deprecate such a man.

– AW Tozer –

May 2, 2013

Nothing puts life into men like a dying Savior.

– Charles Spurgeon –

March 28, 2013

‎What bliss to be a perfectly pardoned soul! What riches of grace does free forgiveness exhibit! To forgive all, to forgive fully, to forgive freely, to forgive ever! Here is a constellation of wonders; and when I think of how great my sins were, how dear were the precious drops which cleansed me from them, I am in a maze of wondering worshiping affection!

– Charles Spurgeon –

March 23, 2013

I have cast my anchor in the port of peace, knowing that present and future are in nail-pierced hands.

– The Valley of Vision –

March 16, 2013

If the ultimate, the hardest, cannot be asked of me; if my fellows hesitate to ask it and turn to someone else, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

– Amy Carmichael –

March 11, 2013

There was a day when I died, utterly died – died to George Müller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren and friends – and since then I have only to show myself approved to God.

– George Müller –

March 8, 2013

A Crucified Lord must have a Crucified Bride.

– WB Dunkum –

March 5, 2013

If the ultimate, the hardest, cannot be asked of me; if my fellows hesitate to ask it and turn to someone else, then I know nothing of Calvary love.

– Amy Carmichael –