The World

Settler or Pioneer? – T. Austin-Sparks

The whole history of the Church is one long story of this tendency to settle down on this earth and to become conformed to this world, to find acceptance and popularity here and to eliminate the element of conflict and of pilgrimage. That is the trend and the tendency of everything. Therefore outwardly, as well as inwardly, pioneering is a costly thing.

– T. Austin-Sparks –

Entirely Different Than The World – Eric Ludy

We want the corruption of the world and yet still go to heaven. We want to be like the world with the pleasure of sin but still have the benefits of salvation. But Scripture is clear, though we are in the world, we are not to be OF the world. We are to be entirely different than the world.

– Eric Ludy –

The Creeping Wilderness that Takes Over – AW Tozer

The neglected heart will soon be a heart overrun with worldly thoughts; the neglected life will soon become a moral chaos; the church that is not jealously protected by mighty intercession and sacrificial labors will before long become the abode of every evil bird and the hiding place for unsuspected corruption. The creeping wilderness will soon take over that church that trusts in its own strength and forgets to watch and pray.

– AW Tozer –

Live the Christian Life Totally Committed – Kay Arthur

If you don’t plan to live the Christian life totally committed to knowing your God and to walking in obedience to Him, then don’t begin; for this is what Christianity is all about. It is a change of citizenship, a change of governments, a change of allegience. If you have no intention of letting Christ rule your life, then forget Christianity; it’s not for you.

– Kay Arthur –

Nature of Christ’s Salvation – AW Pink

“The nature of Christ’s salvation is woefully misrepresented by the present-day evangelist. He announces a Savior from Hell rather than a Savior from sin. And that is why so many are fatally deceived, for there are multitudes who wish to escape the Lake of fire who have no desire to be delivered from their carnality and worldliness.”

– AW Pink –