
Never Doubt Christ’s Strength – William Gurnall

Doubt your own strength, but never doubt Christ’s. In your gravest conflicts with Satan, trust Him to bring you out of the devil’s dominion with a high hand, in spite of all the force and fury of hell.

– William Gurnall –
from The Christian in Complete Armour

Thomas Brooks on the Conquest of Sin

In conquering of those enemies that be within, you make a conquest over the devil and hell itself. … And as this is the most noble conquest, so it is the most necessary conquest. You must be the death of your sins, or they will be the death of your souls. Sin is a viper, that does always kill where it is not killed.

– Thomas Brooks –

We Are A Salvation People – William Booth


We are a salvation people – this is our specialty – getting people saved and keeping them saved, and then getting somebody else saved…Look at this. Clear your vision. Halt, stand still and afresh and more fully apprehend and comprehend your calling. You are to be a worker together with God for the salvation of your fellow men. What is the business of your life? Not merely to save your soul and make yourself meet for Paradise?… No, you are to be a redeemer, a savior, a copy of Jesus Christ Himself. So consecrate every awakened power to the great end of saving them. Rescue the perishing. They are all around you everywhere, crowds upon crowds, multitudes. Be skillful. Improve yourself. Study your business. Be self-sacrificing. Remember the Master. What you lose for His sake, and for the sake of the poor souls for whom He died, you shall find again. Stick to it. Having put your hand to the salvation plough, don’t look behind you

– William Booth –

Never give in – Winston Churchill

Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
– Winston Churchill –

Why You Struggle in Prayer – Oswald Chambers

If we are struggling in prayer it is because the wiles of the enemy are getting the upper hand, and we must look for the cause in our lack of discipline. There are some things we have not been strenuously practicing. We used to pray in the morning, do we now? We used to commune with God over the Bible, do we now? We used to be in contact with God wherever we went, are we now? Put on the whole armor of God and continuously practice, then the wiles of the devil cannot get you unaware.

– Oswald Chambers –
from If You Will Ask, 30