It is a sure mark of grace to desire more.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
It is a sure mark of grace to desire more.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
Live so as to be missed when dead.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
You will never find Jesus so precious as when the world is one vast howling wilderness.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
I ought to pray before seeing any one. Often when I sleep long, or meet with others early, it is eleven or twelve o’clock before I begin secret prayer. This is a wretched system. It is unscriptural. Christ arose before day and went into a solitary place. David says: ‘Early will I seek thee’; ‘Thou shalt early hear my voice.’ Family prayer loses much of its power and sweetness, and I can do no good to those who come to seek from me. The conscience feels guilty, the soul unfed, the lamp not trimmed. Then when in secret prayer the soul is often out of tune, I feel it is far better to begin with God—to see his face first, to get my soul near him before it is near another.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
If Christ justifies you, He will sanctify you! He will not save you and leave you in your sins.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
Oh, for closest communion with God, till soul and body, head, face, and heart -shine with Divine brilliancy! But oh! for a holy ignorance of our shining!
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
I ought to pray before seeing any one…Christ arose before day and went into a solitary place. David says: ‘Early will I seek thee’…I feel it is far better to begin with God-to see His face first, to get my soul near Him before it is near another.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –
Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities.
– Robert Murray M’Cheyne –