Nathan Johnson

May 8, 2014

Great cathedrals and costly houses of worship dazzle our eyes and stir the wonder of the passerby; mighty throngs stream through their aisles every Sabbath; and yet there is a situation that chills the hearts of many of God’s wisest servants. It is a good time to inquire, ‘Where is the Lord God of Elijah?’

– Rev. E. K. Cox –

May 4, 2014

Reader, would you be holy? There is only one way. All other roads lead down to deeper mire. Christ must come in. All is dark death, except where Jesus lives. All is pure life and loveliness, where Jesus reigns. Draw near and nearer to the Gospel-page. There gaze on Christ, until the soul’s features melt into His likeness. The Gospel heard, and read, and loved, are the bright wings on which the Spirit flies. The Spirit’s presence brings the Savior near. The Savior welcomed, is all Holiness begun. The Savior cherished, is all Holiness advancing. The Savior never absent, is Holiness complete. Holiness complete, is heaven’s full blaze.

– Henry Law –

April 15, 2014

We must go back to the doctrines. I fear that the new generation does not know the doctrines as our fathers knew them.

– John A. Broadus –

April 14, 2014

Some of the greatest satanic activity in the end times will take place in the pulpit.

– Dwight Pentecost –

March 24, 2014

A man may be theologically knowing and spiritually ignorant.

– Stephen Charnock –

March 15, 2014

God is my everlasting King;
God is my Strength, and I will sing;
His power upholds my feeble frame;
And I’m victorious through his name.

Devils retreat when he appears;
Then I arise above my fears;
And every fiery dart repel;
And vanquish all the force of hell.

Through the Redeemer’s precious blood;
I feel the mighty power of God;
Through the rich aid divinely given;
I rise from earth, and soar to heaven.

[Dear Lord, thy weaker saints inspire,
And fill them with celestial fire;
On thy kind arm may they rely,
And all their foes shall surely fly.]

Now, Lord, thy wondrous power exert,
And every ransomed soul support;
Give us fresh strength to wing our way
To regions of eternal day.

[There may we praise the great I AM,
And shout the victories of the Lamb;
Raise every chorus to his blood,
And triumph in the power of God.]

– R. Burnham –

March 12, 2014

If your prayer is selfish, the answer will be something that will rebuke your selfishness. You may not recognize it as having come at all, but it is sure to be there.

– William Temple –

March 4, 2014

A heart ready to melt at the sight of human suffering and need is necessary to successful soul-winning … Where there is no real soul-burden for sinners, there will be no revival. The early Church travailed in pain for the souls of dying men.

– JW Mahood –

March 2, 2014

It is not the bee’s touching on the flowers that gathers the honey, but her abiding for a time upon them, and drawing out the sweet. It is not he that reads most, but he that meditates most on divine truth, that will prove the choicest, strongest Christian.

– Joseph Hall –