Centrality of Christ

Names and Offices of Christ – JC Ryle

The names and offices of Christ, as laid down in Scripture, appear to me to show unmistakably that this communion between the saint and his Savior is not a mere fancy, but a real true thing. Between the Bridegroom and His bride, between the Head and His members, between the Physician and His patients, between the Advocate and His clients, between the Shepherd and His sheep, between the Master and His scholars, there is evidently implied a habit of familiar communion, of daily application for things needed, of daily pouring out and unburdening our hearts and minds. Such a habit of dealing with Christ is clearly something more than a vague general trust in the work that Christ did for sinners. It is getting close to Him and laying hold on Him with confidence, as a loving, personal Friend. This is what I mean by communion.

– JC Ryle –

Don’t Be Encumbered With Things That Hinder – John Bunyan

It is but a vain thing to talk of going to heaven, if thou let thy heart be encumbered with those things that would hinder. Would you not say that such a man would be in danger of losing, though he run, if he fill his pockets with stones, hang heavy garments on his shoulders, and great lumpish shoes on his feet? So it is here. Thou talkest of going to heaven, and yet fillest thy pockets with stones; that is, fillest thy heart with this world; lettest that hang on thy shoulders with its profits and pleasures. Alas, alas! thou art widely mistaken. If thou intendest to win, thou must strip, thou must lay aside every weight, thou must be temperate in all things. Thou must so run.

– John Bunyan –

What Do You Take Pleasure In? – Keith Green

If your heart takes more pleasure in reading novels, or watching TV, or going to the movies, or talking to friends, rather than just sitting alone with God and embracing Him, sharing His cares and His burdens, weeping and rejoicing with Him, then how are you going to handle forever and ever in His presence…? You’d be bored to tears in heaven, if you’re not ecstatic about God now!

– Keith Green –

Union with Jesus Christ – AB Simpson

Christianity may mean nothing more than a religious system. The Christian life may mean nothing more than an earnest and honest attempt to follow and imitate Christ. The Christ life is more than these and expresses our actual union with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is actually in us as the life and source of all our experience and work. This conception of the highest Christian life is at once simpler and more sublime than any other. We do not teach that the purpose of Christ’s redemption is to restore us to Adamic perfection, for if we had it we should lose it tomorrow. Rather, it is to unite us with the second Adam, and to lift us up to a higher plane than our first parents ever knew. This is the only thing that can reconcile the warring elements of diverse schools of teaching with respect to Christian life. The Spirit of God will lead us to have no controversy respecting mere theories. Rather, we are simply to hold to the person and life of Jesus Christ Himself and the privilege of being united to Him through living in constant dependence upon His keeping power and grace.

– AB Simpson –

Consecration & Sanctification – Oswald Chambers

Consecration is our part, sanctification is God’s part; and we have deliberately to determine to be interested in that only in which God is interested. The way to solve perplexing problems is to ask—”Is this the kind of thing which Jesus Christ is interested in, or the kind of thing the spirit that is [opposite] of Jesus is interested in?”

– Oswald Chambers –

Cream of the Morning – Charles Spurgeon

“To show forth thy loving kindness in the morning.” Psalms 92:2

We are full of vigor then. We will be tired before night comes round. Perhaps in the heat of the day we will be exhausted. Let us take care, while we are fresh, to give the cream of the morning to God.

– Charles Spurgeon – 
from Spurgeon on Praise

Jesus is the Key, the Mediator, and the Intercessor – Mendell Taylor

The most uncontrollable and unchanging thing on earth is the base element in human nature. Though advancement may be made in science, medicine, and standards of living, still the sinfulness of man remains the same through the centuries. The list of sins in Noah’s day, in Jesus’ day, and today are identical. However, there is a universal remedy for the problem. All can be saved to the uttermost, including those from the uttermost (the down-and-out) to the uppermost (the up-and-out)…Christ is the answer, and the only answer, to the problems of guilt and sin. He is the Door and the only Door that provides entrance to eternal life. He is the Key, and the only Key that unlocks an imprisoned world. He is the Mediator, and the only Mediator who can reconcile sinners unto God. He is the Intercessor, and the only Intercessor who can get a verdict of acquittal for the vilest transgressor.

– Mendell Taylor –

Our Knowledge and Faith – Richard Baxter

What is our knowledge and faith, but to know and believe that heaven consists in the glory and love of God there manifested, and that it was purchased by his covenant?

– Richard Baxter –
from Dying Thoughts, 1683