
April 28, 2012

Others before me have gone  much farther into these holy mysteries than I have done, but if my fire is not large it is yet real, and there may be those who can light their candle at its flame.

– AW Tozer –
from Pursuit of God 

April 24, 2012

Christians don’t tell lies, they just go to church and sing them.

– AW Tozer –

April 8, 2012

Not somehow – but triumphantly!

– V. Raymond Edman –
in They Found the Secret, page 11

April 6, 2012

Better to abolish pulpits than fill them with men who have no experimental knowledge of what they teach!

– CH Spurgeon –

April 4, 2012

A man set on fire is an apostle of his age. And the only one who can kindle the spark of light and fire on the hearth where it has died down is He who has revealed Himself as the God of fire, our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Our God is a consuming fire’. . . . Tell me, is your ministry a burning and shining light, or a smoking wick, slowly dying out to ashes? . . . It is a strange custom that we should supply a minister with a glass of water; if only we could supply him with a bonfire in the pulpit, a spiritual bonfire. We need the dynamic of a flaming ministry that will set the Church on fire.

– Samuel M. Zwemer –
(Keswick 1937)

March 26, 2012

I want to deliberately encourage this mighty longing after God. The lack of it has brought us to our present low estate. The stiff and wooden quality about our religious lives is a result of our lack of holy desire. Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth. Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people. He waits to be wanted. Too bad that with many of us He waits so long, so very long in vain.

– AW Tozer –
from The Pursuit of God 

March 22, 2012

We shall not get revival by filling our churches with men, but by getting the men who already come to our churches filled with God.

– Duncan Campbell –

March 19, 2012

Revival will call for much love and humility, because it may please God to use one man more extensively than another. The fleece of one denomination may appear to be wet with the dews of heaven while another is only damp with it. In some cases God may use the least gifted of men – at least some would so judge them – and in the least likely of churches find a channel for His grace. May God preserve us from a spirit which would prefer to see no revival at all if it did not come in our form, after our pattern, and through our instrumentality.

– John T. Carson –

February 28, 2012

The Church gives more time, thought, and money to recreation and sport than to prayer.

– Samuel Chadwick –