
May 3, 2012

Your religious life is every day to be a proof that God works impossibilities; your religious life is to be a series of impossibilities made possible and actual by God’s almighty power.

– Andrew Murray –

May 2, 2012

I realized that my life was to be one of simple, childlike faith, and that my part was to trust, not to do. I was to trust in Him and He would work in me to do His good pleasure. From that time my life was different.

– C.T. Studd –

April 29, 2012

A pure heart is one to which all that is not of God is strange and jarring.

– John Tavler –
as was often quoted by Amy Carmichael 

April 27, 2012

Christ is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all.

– Hudson Taylor –

April 23, 2012

Only Christ can live the Christian life – He never said we could; He always said He would!

– Ian Thomas –

April 20, 2012

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

– Jim Elliot –

April 18, 2012

No one whose senses have been exercised to know good and evil but must grieve over the sight of zealous souls seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit while they are yet living in a state of moral carelessness or borderline sin. Such a things is a moral contradiction. Whoever would be filled and indwell by the Spirit should first judge his life for any hidden iniquities; he should courageously expel from his heart everything which is out of accord with the character of God as revealed by the Holy Scriptures.

– AW Tozer –

April 16, 2012

God will not do a bit more through you than you have faith for.

– Rees Howells –

April 13, 2012

It is simply impossible to discover heavenly things through human means.

– Eric Ludy –
from Teaching True Love to a Sex at 13 Generation, page 40