
September 29, 2013

Some people do not like to hear much of repentance; but I think it is so necessary that if I should die in the pulpit, I would desire to die preaching repentance, and if out of the pulpit I would desire to die practicing it.

– Matthew Henry –

September 28, 2013

It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher.

– George Whitefield –

September 27, 2013

There was a day when I died; died to self, my opinions, preferences, tastes and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since then I have studied only to show myself approved unto God.

– George Müller –

September 26, 2013

You and I have need of the strongest spell that can be found to wake us from the evil enchantment of worldliness.

– CS Lewis –
from: Weight of Glory

September 25, 2013

God has promised forgiveness to your repentance, but He has not promised tomorrow to your procrastination.

– Augustine –

August 16, 2013

True repentance includes sorrow for sin and contrition of heart. It breaks the heart with sighs and sobs and groans…

– Thomas Brooks –

May 18, 2013

God has always sought a humble people. He can use no other . . . There is always much need of heart preperation, in humility and separation, before God can consistently come. The depth of any revival will be determined exactly by the spirit of repentance that is obtained. In fact, this is key to every true revival born of God.

– Frank Bartleman –
(Azusa Street)

April 13, 2013

A man, and a Christian man too, may keep up all the outward appearances of religion; but if he has guilt on his conscience, or allows sin in his soul, he may frequent the Lord’s house but it will be without profit; he may worship but it will be without peace.

– James Thomas Holloway –
from The Analogy of Faith

March 29, 2013

365 million+ orphans, while the church is busy building coffee shops. O Lord awaken the church with revival not caffeine.

– Heather Elyse –