
New Truth is Not True – Charles Spurgeon

I cannot agree with those who say that they have “new truth” to teach. The two words seem to me to contradict each other; that which is new is not true. It is the old that is true, for truth is as old as God Himself.

– Charles Spurgeon –

Serious Meditation on Holy Truths – Thomas Brooks

Remember that it is not hasty reading—but serious meditation on holy and heavenly truths, which makes them prove sweet and profitable to the soul. It is not the mere touching of the flower by the bee which gathers honey—but her abiding for a time on the flower which draws out the sweet. It is not he who reads most, but he who meditates most—who will prove to be the choicest, sweetest, wisest and strongest Christian.

– Thomas Brooks –

Great Truths – Harry Ironside

Great truths that are stumbling blocks to the natural man are nevertheless the very foundations upon which the confidence of the spiritual man is built.

– Harry Ironside –

Where Truth is Sweetest – Charles Spurgeon

Truth is sweetest where it breaks from the smitten Rock, for at its first gush it has lost none of its heavenliness and vitality. It is always best to drink at the well and not from the tank. You shall find that reading the Word of God for yourselves, reading it rather than notes upon it, is the surest way of growing in grace. Drink of the unadulterated milk of the Word of God, and not of the skim milk, or the milk and water of man’s word.

– Charles Spurgeon –

Truth in the Inward Parts – Thomas Watson

Wherein does the beauty of the diamond lie, but in this, that it is a true diamond? If it is a counterfeit, it is worth nothing. So wherein does the beauty of a Christian lie, but in this, that he has the truth in the inward parts (Psalms 51:6)?

– Thomas Watson –
from The Godly Man’s Picture, 1666

Our Guilty Silence – John Stott

Our Guilty Silence suggests that one of the main reasons for our silence is because we lack either a thorough knowledge of the Gospel or a conviction about its truth or both. There can be no evangelism without an evangelist, no mission without a message.

– John Stott –
from Our Guilty Silence

Presuming You Are Saved? – Charles Spurgeon

Beware, I pray thee, of presuming that thou art saved. If thy heart be renewed, if thou shalt hate the things that thou didst once love, and love the things that thou didst once hate; if thou hast really repented; if there be a thorough change of mind in thee; if thou be born again, then hast thou reason to rejoice: but if there be no vital change, no inward godliness; if there be no love to God, no prayer, no work of the Holy Spirit, then thy saying “I am saved” is but thine own assertion, and it may delude, but it will not deliver thee.

– Charles Spurgeon –