
Lives in Absolute Loyalty – G. Campbell Morgan

Do not let us imagine that we can take into our fellowship and enlist under one banner men who simply affirm truth about Jesus, unless in their own lives there is an absolute loyalty to the Lord Christ.

– G. Campbell Morgan –

Truth That Cuts – Catherine Booth

You must preach God’s justice and vengeance against sin as well as his love for the sinner. You must preach hell as well as heaven. You must let your Gospel match the intuition of humanity or you may as well throw it into the sea, and thus save both trouble and money. A Gospel of love never matched anybody’s soul. The great want in this day is truth that cuts – convicting truth – truth that convicts and convinces the sinner, and pulls off the bandages from his eyes

– Catherine Booth –

How to Increase Doubt – DL Moody

If you want to scatter your doubts, look at the blood; and if you want to increase your doubts look at yourself. You will get doubts enough for years by being occupied with yourself only a few days.

– DL Moody –

A Thorough Knowledge of the Bible – JC Ryle

A thorough knowledge of the Bible is the foundation of all clear views of religion. He that is well-grounded in it will not generally be found a waverer, and carried about by every wind of new doctrine. Any system of training which does not make a knowledge of Scripture the first thing is unsafe and unsound.

– JC Ryle –
from The Duties of Parents

Never Water Down the Gospel – Oswald Chambers

Never water down or minimize the mighty Gospel of God by considering that people may be misled by certain statements. Present the Gospel in all its fullness and God will guard His own truth.

– Oswald Chambers –