
October 4, 2012

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

– Helen H. Lemmel –

September 27, 2012

If there is any trouble in your heart, if you are in darkness, or in the power of sin, I bring to you the Son of God, with the promise that He will come in and take charge.

– Andrew Murray –
from his book Master’s Indwelling 

September 25, 2012

When our life is not only Christ’s but Christ, our life will be a winning life, for He cannot fail.

– Charles Trumbull –

September 24, 2012

Think what it is we really posses, if Christ is in us . . . We have Him, in whom all fullness of life actually dwells, in whom infinite resources are stored up for our use. Everything needed for continual growth, for perpetual freshness, and for abundant fruitfulness are found in Him. All power, all grace, all purity, and all fullness, absolutely everything to make all grace abound toward us, in us, and through us, are stored up in Him who verily dwells within us.

– Evan Hopkins –

September 19, 2012

We are to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect, not by struggle and effort, but by the impartation of that which is perfect.

– Oswald Chambers –

September 17, 2012

My Lord is insulted and His church slighted. And believe me, under this double injury, I smart. The church has many adversaries. Can my sword sleep, then, in my hand? Never!

– Leonard Ravenhill –

September 16, 2012

Does it not thrill our hearts to realize that we do not go forward in our own strength! Think of it, God Himself is with us for our Captain! The Lord of Hosts is present in Person on every field of conflict, to encourage us and fight with us. With such a Leader, who never lost a battle, or deserted a soldier in distress, or failed to get through the needed supplies, who would not accept the challenge to go forward, “bearing precious seed”?

– John Stam –

September 6, 2012

Difficulties, dangers, disease, death, or divisions don’t deter any but Chocolate Soldiers from executing God’s Will. When someone says there is a lion in the way, the real Christian promptly replies, “That’s hardly enough inducement for me; I want a bear or two besides to make it worth my while to go.”

– CT Studd –

July 21, 2012

Regret for a sinful past will remain until we truly believe that for us in Christ that sinful past no longer exists.

– AW Tozer –
from That Incredible Christian