
Teach The Old-Fashioned Gospel – Catherine Booth

We teach the old-fashioned Gospel of repentance, faith, and holiness, not daring to separate what God has joined together…We teach that a man cannot be right with God while he is doing wrong to men – in short, that holiness means being saved from sin …and filled with love to God and man.

– Catherine Booth –

When you come to your deathbed – JC Ryle

When you come to your deathbed, you will want something more than an example and a sacrament. Take heed that you are found resting all your weight on Christ’s substitution for you on the cross, and His atoning blood, or it will be better if you had never been born.

– JC Ryle –

Who A Spiritual Desire Belongs To – EM Bounds

Spiritual desires belong to a soul made alive to God. As the renewed soul hungers and thirst after righteousness, these holy, inward desires break out into earnest, petition prayer

– EM Bounds –