Flesh – Carnal Nature – Selfishness

Where Is Our Focus? – John Owen

We all profess that we are bound for heaven, immortality, and glory: but is it any evidence that we really design it if all our thoughts are consumed about the trifles of this world, which we must leave behind us, and have only occasional thoughts of things above?

– John Owen –

AW Tozer on Misunderstanding Revival

There seems to be a notion abroad that if we talk enough and pray enough, revival will set in like a stock market boom or a winning streak on a baseball club. We appear to be waiting for some sweet chariot to swing low and carry us into the Big Rock Candy Mountain of religious experience … a kind of benign miracle, a feverish renaissance of religious activity that will come upon us, leaving us morally as we are now, except that we will be a lot happier and there will be a great many more of us …

– AW Tozer –

Arminian, Calvinist, or Born Again? – John Newton

If a man is born again, hates sin, and depends upon the Savior for life and grace, I care not whether he be an Arminian or a Calvinist. If he be not born again, he is nothing, let him be called by what name he will.

– John Newton –

To Be Where God Is – Dr. Paul Rees

To be where God is quietly talked about seems a lovely thing. But to be where God really grips us is a risky matter. As long as a Living God is about and given any chance at all, it will be found dangerous to be in His presence. Dangerous, that is, to everything that is more to our liking than it is to His. Church going should be dangerous to our self-esteem and self-satisfaction.

– Dr. Paul S. Rees –

The Old Cross vs. The New Cross – AW Tozer

The old cross slew men; the new cross entertains them. The old cross condemned; the new cross amuses. The old cross destroyed confidence in the flesh; the new cross encourages it.

– AW Tozer –

We Must Be Right With God

Brethren, it is just so much humbug to be waiting for this, night after night, month after month, if we ourselves are not right with God. I must ask myself—”Is my heart pure? Are my hands clean?”

– Comment from the Hebrides Revival –

Sodom’s Iniquity

Sodom’s iniquity was “pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness.”

– Ezekiel 16:49 –

The Cross of Christ – AW Tozer

Though the cross of Christ has been beautified by the poet and the artist, the avid seeker after God is likely to find it the same savage implement of destruction it was in the days of old. The way of the cross is still the pain-wracked path to spiritual power and fruitfulness. So do not seek to hide from it. Do not accept an easy way. Do not allow yourself to be patted to sleep in a comfortable church, void of power and barren of fruit. Do not paint the cross nor deck it with flowers. Take it for what it is, as it is, and you will find it the rugged way to death and life. Let it slay you utterly.

– AW Tozer –